Sunday, March 9, 2014

Disorders of Typography Poster

While waiting in the examination room at my eye doctor, I noticed the archetypal medical poster on the wall depicting normal and abnormal conditions of the eye, complete with cutaway illustrations of eyeballs and eyeball parts, with precise labeling and detailed information. This inspired me to create my own poster — but for type-geeks and non-type-geeks alike.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Made: Repurposed/Upcycled 35mm Slide Carousel Clock

I'm back at it again — making new clocks from old 35mm slide carousels. The face on this one is an old film envelope (back when you had to use them to get your film developed). I would guess the envelope is from the '70s. Keeping it real with Kodak! Hands are painted silver and white and the clock actually works! More to come. May be purchased on Rufus Earle's Etsy shop, MadeFoundCollected.